Today started with breakfast at 7:30. The Haitian cooks cooked us an amazing breakfast which consisted of pancakes, bacon, and bananas. Then at 8:30 we all loaded up in the back of Tom's truck and headed to the village. The village was so awesome. First, we met some of Tom's staff and the pastor. Then, while some of the us measured benches, the others played games with children in the village. I got to hold a little Haitian baby and fell in love with her right away. She was the cutest thing ever!!!
Later, we all grouped up and got to explore the village meeting so many new Haitians. This was so neat because here in America we would never walk up to random people's homes and just have a nice conversation with them. Many of the Haitians were so big on being so welcoming and were the kindest people ever. In one home even, a lady came out and greeted us than ran back inside for a few minutes just to make sure her house was clean for us. While in another home we walked to, a women greeted us than right after she told us that her only child had died. Little did we know that her son was 2 years old and died in house fire Tom told us tonight. We learned so much in only 2 hours, it was empowering.
After that, we went to a Haitian restaurant called Yolti's. We all ate some delicious chicken and rice with some of the staff and boy at Tom's home. Then we went back to our guest house and and hung out with boys from Tom's home and it was so much fun. We even taught two of them how to make some bracelets which they turned out to be amazing at. The boys from Tom's house later got to pick out some of the clothes we brought and shoes we brought them. Seeing their faces when they received those items made all the hard work we did the last couple weeks really pay off. I was beyond happy to see the smiles across their faces. The Haitian cooks later made us dinner later that consisted of lasagna, salad, and garlic bread. These ladies work so hard to make us American dinners it's so amazing how hard they are willing to work.
Finally,Tom came over and we shared so many stories together from the village that were so touching. Tom talked about how a while back he met a women in her late 90s who he found blind, living by the dumpster, and everyone abandoned her. Yet when he found her she kept telling everyone how blessed she was that someone had found her and just kept constantly praising and thanking God. She later also told Tom that she could not wait to go to Heaven because all her life she had been thirsty and in Heaven she'd finally would never be thirsty again. It was so moving how a women who had next to nothing, had so much faith and really made me realize that when I think times are "bad" and my life is so "rough", we are so blessed and should truly be thanking God for everything good or bad.
All in all today had really just moved me and I learned that the less material people had the more they were able to be so thankful for just the tiniest things weather it was a cup of water or a small piece of food. These Haitians are truly the heroes of our world. They are the people America need to look up to because the always have hope. I truly love, adore, and respect every Haitian I had met today which truly was hundreds of Haitians.
I'm so blessed and thankful God had sent me here to serve these people. I've been here less than 30 hours and my life has been impacted so much!!!
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